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11 ottobre 2013
la dedica del grande pianista

La dedica del grande pianista DANIIL TRIFONOV

Piano Vintage

A new piano at your fingertips ...
Once again.

What is Piano Vintage?
Piano Vintage is a type of restoration dictated from a work philosophy and derived from the experience of the “Steinway Academy” pianoforte technician, Andrea De Biasi, in collaboration with the cabinet maker and Master Carpenter Tommaso Busetto along with the “Steinway Academy” technician Lorenzo Cernaez.

Come nasce Piano Vintage
This project was born from a passion matured primarily through pianistic studies and followed by technical and tuning experience. As the pianist must make the intention of the music author flourish in each musical piece so also the technician must be the means through which the intention of the original piano maker is revitalized. An intention certainly not casual, but projected for an accurate sound quality. The work of the restorer consists in understanding the constructive details and the logic of every minute step towards a precise expressive sound finale, assisted by technological and scientific means and not least of all with his heart and instinct. Verifying that each instrument possesses its own identity intended by its maker, that which the restorer must draw forth from an objective base (sound balance, length of sound, sound quality, uniformity etc.) to evolve in unity, making evident the detail and multiple facets. The greatest risk for the restorer is to insist on a certain type of sound quality result for the project on hand but which is completely alien to the identity of the instrument. From here we see the diversity of Piano Vintage restoration. The possibility of restoring the soul of the pianoforte exists already or rather the restoration of the sound board according to even the heist level of workmanship. Our type of restoration however recuperates the unique identity of each instrument, applying particular techniques that diversify and characterize each sound board according to its original type.

How does Piano Vintage operate?
The pianoforte demonstrates two essential components:

  • the rim (fixed elements not subject to deterioration) That identifies the project.
  • the sound board-cords-hammers that express the acoustic phenomenon by means of the mechanical transmission of the whole keyboard and action bracket with all its components. On all of this complex apparatus the restoration operation takes place.

Our workshop is capable of renewing the original sound by the recuperation of the original sound board with innovated techniques aimed at giving back its internal energy, insuring a quality that answers the most demanding expectations.
Where it is impossible to recuperate the original sound board we are capable of creating a completely new one, conforming faithfully to the original, giving a new voice to the pianoforte and maintaining nevertheless, the characteristic sound qualities peculiar to each instrument. Each sound board is reproduced by rebuilding its original form and energetic structure which is the result of the unique and exclusive technical process of Piano Vintage’s constructive patent.

The holding capacity of the tuning, in the course of time, is guaranteed by the substitution of the pin block in a mass of layered, crossed American maple wood.

The restoration of the mechanics are meticulously evaluated to obtain the maximum dynamic sound control and guarantee trustworthiness at a professional level. The possibilities that Piano Vintage offer are:

  • new and appropriate components
  • a remake in compliance with the original
  • restoration of the original parts

For whom is Piano Vintage intended?
Piano Vintage is intended for all those whose desire is to have the maximum trustworthy union between sound quality and mechanics and who also desire to find inspiration from music pieces stimulated by an antique pianoforte or even a second-hand one, made valuable by an innovated and professional restoration. Piano Vintage’s restoration style offers and guarantees the possibility of playing instruments at concerts of a high caliber.

This complex type of intervention defines the originality of this form of restoration. Essentially it is much different from any other form of renewal or restoration available.

The trade-mark Piano Vintage values instruments even though past productivity or antique and they rediscover their working capacity, sound characteristics, fascination, quality and artistic beauty at the same level as contemporary professional instruments.

The purpose of Piano Vintage
The scope of our work is, above all, to satisfy your needs while surpassing all your expectations. All through our projected exclusive procedure, professionalism and competence allows us to reach the target for the best possible sound.

PIANO VINTAGE di Andrea De Biasi
Tecnico e accordatore autorizzato Steinway & Sons Academy.
Via Nogara 7 • 37026 Pescantina (VR) • Cell. 347 5312604
Sito web: www.pianovintage.it, E-mail: info@pianovintage.it
P.iva 02674800236 • C.F. DBSNDR70C09L781G
R.E.A. C.C.I.A.A. 253400 • Reg. Impr. VR 196828
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